Uppdrag / Volontäruppdrag / Be the star of our new social media-campaign!

Be the star of our new social media-campaign!


We have some exciting news to share! RFSL Ungdom is launching a new series of short films, and we want YOU to be the star! This is a unique chance for you to participate, share your personal experiences, advocate for the rights of young LGBTQIA people, and contribute to our visibility and mission.

What’s happening?

We’re producing a series of 90-second videos that will be featured on RFSL Ungdom’s social media channels, including TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and our website. These videos aim to raise awareness about important topics, showcase our activities, share members’ stories and highlight the incredible work we have accomplished together.

Here’s how:

Clip 1: Introductory video (RFSL Ungdom today)

In this introductory video, all selected members will come together to present RFSL Ungdom’s core message. The text for this part will be written by us. You’ll get to:

  • Highlight the work we’ve done 
  • Showcase who we are today 
  • Share what’s next for RFSL Ungdom
  • Encourage others to join our movement

Clip 2: Personal story series (My journey with RFSL Ungdom)

In this series, we’ll focus on your personal journey through an interview-style recording. We’ll discuss your experiences with self-love, self-care, coming out, finding a community, and if there is more to the story for example: engaging in our activities, starting a local organization, being a board member etc.

Who we’re looking For

If RFSL Ungdom has boosted your self-esteem, mental well-being, or overall life experience, we want to participate! Whether you’re a long-term member who has participated in our activities and received support from us, or a new member who joined to connect with like-minded people, or someone who simply wanted to support our community, we want to hear your story.

If you think this opportunity isn’t for you but know someone who would be perfect for it, please share this with them! Remember, they need to be a member of RFSL Ungdom to apply.

Important dates and details

Application Deadline: August 10th
Notification Date: August 21st (You’ll receive details about filming and logistics if selected)
Reserved dates for recording: September 14 & 15 (to be decided)
Have questions prior to applying: Email [email protected]

We can’t wait to hear your stories and work together to inspire others!

Stay safe, stay proud, and always remember how deeply loved you are. We’re here, cheering you on and supporting you every step of the way! ❤️

Enjoy the ongoing Pride celebrations!

With all our love and solidarity,

RFSL Ungdom 🌈

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